Thursday, February 19, 2009


Alright, it has taken me a couple days but I have created ´the blog´. It is a continum of the legendary central america blog that has gathered praise and pessemism from the spectrum of people that read my adventures. So, as said before, viewers be warned that this blog will involve much adult content along the lines of swearing, stupidity, sodomy, sweat, and spit. If any or all of these words result in the bile rising to your mouth I suggest you quickly press the little back arrow on the upper left hand corner of your screen, go back to google news and find out just how Obama stays so fit! (Apparently him and Georgie pordgie use the same work out program... i knew they shared something in common!)
Those that are battling on, good for you... because honestly that was just my scare tactic to weed out weak. Maintain....
Today is our fourth or 5th day in buenos aires, and it is drawing to an end. There has been much excitement, much sweat, but not much sleep. Not that we have been partying much, quite the contrary. We have been thriving during the night, the only way a fresh off the boat canadian can maintain a smidge of sanity, as it is absurdly hot here. Apparently today was the hottest yet of the summer, leaving us two puddles of goop on the floor that nobody wants to clean up.
The internet i am currently on is sketchier than Cosimo climbing a ladder, so i am going to flee to a local fan, and perhaps drink another stella. I will return with another posting soon, but not that that matters much because currently no one has my blog spot.


  1. I think I got it okay. I am leaving on Friday, Michael Hughes is taking me to the airport. I am getting excited about it. I'll keep in touch Love Nikki

  2. yippee operation was a success. Nikki
